European Conference on Domestic Violence
The ECDV views domestic violence as encompassing a range of different types of gender-based violence and abuse, among others including intimate partner violence, stalking, honour-based violence and elderly abuse.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers, students, professionals,
practitioners and policy makers from Europe and further afield to share and build knowledge and experiences on a wide range of issues concerning domestic violence. The ECDV team hopes that the conference contributes to building bridges between different perspectives, disciplines and areas of expertise in the field of domestic violence.
The visibility of domestic violence has increased with the COVID-19 global pandemic as in any emergency. This motivated our focus on the theme of precarity. In addition and importantly, recent political and ideological crisis arising from the war in Ukraine further motivated the emphasis on precarity as an overall theme for the conference.
Submission deadline: January 12th, 2023