ISEDA — Innovative Solutions to Eliminate Domestic Abuse Project Website | CORDIS — European Commission | ISEDA LinkedIn | ISEDA Twitter/X
ISEDA (Innovative Solutions to Eliminate Domestic Abuse) is a Horizon Europe project (2022–2025) aiming to combat and eliminate domestic violence by employing an enriched European approach, based on multi-sectoral expertise. The project will develop a chatbot and data platform, a serious game to train police authorities, as well as pilot perpetrator programs and awareness raising campaigns and education programs. The project aims to create a chatbot using empathetic language to guide victims on seeking help, providing information on various domestic violence types, prevention, detection, and investigation. An integrated data platform offers advice on gathering court-proof evidence and tracking domestic violence trends. Interactive learning for police focuses on enhancing skills to assess and respond to domestic violence situations. Awareness campaigns and education programs target the public and students, fostering awareness on breaking toxic gender stereotypes and promoting healthy relationships. Perpetrator programs offer a positive change, improving the quality of life for women, children, men, and their communities.
VIPROM — Victim Protection In Medicine Project Website
Domestic violence (DV) may have a serious impact on physical and psychological health as well as quality of life of victims. Those working in the medical sector often meet DV victims, but many do not feel informed sufficiently to identify or to support them in an adequate way. The goal of the EU project VIPROM is to provide sustainable, organisationally embedded, and institutionally recognised training tailored to the specific needs of various medical professionals from different medical fields. Partners from Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden are part of this project. Train-the-trainer programs will be conducted in autumn 2024 so that the curricula and training materials developed in VIPROM can be implemented in pilot trainings with high quality. The coordinator of VIPROM is one of IMPROVE's German partners, Bettina Pfleiderer from the University of Münster (WWU). The project will run until February 2026.
ODABS - Online Database for victims of crime (Germany) Project Website is an initiative created by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to assist victims of crime in finding counseling centers. The project provides an anonymous online platform to locate support services based on region, offering resources for those affected by crime. It helps victims understand their options for emotional support, legal advice, and financial compensation, while providing access to institutions that focus on crime victim assistance. The platform is managed by the Kriminologische Zentralstelle and supported by Opferhilfen in Deutschland e.V.
Lou&You - Help for victims of violence
Project Website | LinkedIn | Facebook
Lou&You is a website developed to support individuals who have experienced sexual or domestic violence in Germany in a user-friendly, reassuring way . Lou, the persona of a trusted companion, provides an overview about various topics relevant to victims along their healing journey and points them towards available help services. Information ranges from safety matters, medical concerns, awareness about violence, initial legal questions to emotional processing. Lou&You is a project of SIGE eV, was funded by the IGP-grant of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and is supported by INCO's Social Tides Grow 2 grant.
Further initiatives and links
TACTICS: Improving police authorities' responses and follow-up procedures regarding victims and perpetrators of domestic violence
Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative
European Crime Prevention Network Homepage | EUCPN
European Institute for Gender Equality European Institute for Gender Equality | European Institute for Gender Equality
IcARUS project (Innovative AppRoaches to Urban Security)
IMPRODOVA project: Improving Frontline Responses to High Impact Domestic Violence
Nein. Say No! Stop Violence Against Women Non.No
Overview of national women's helplines available in 46 European countries The EU is supporting stakeholders working to end violence against women and girls at the EU, national and grassroots levels.
WAVE Women against Violence Europe Homepage – WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE EUROPE
Istanbul Convention in easy-to-read language developed by Autism Europe