IMPROVE Publications
You can find all of IMPROVE’s peer-reviewed scientific publications below and a selection of other activities like talks and poster presentations.
The public Deliverable reports are located on the Results page. Also visit our Zenodo community for a collection of IMPROVE’s publications and Deliverable Reports.
Peer-reviewed publications
Látencia és felszínre kerülés kapcsolati erőszak esetén
Authors: Gábor Héra, Mónika Füstös, Zoltán Mészáros
Journal: Belügyi Szemle, Évf. 72 szám 11, 2024
Goal: A tanulmány célja, hogy rámutasson a kapcsolati erőszakhoz köthető érintettség becslésének módszertani problémáira. Egyúttal információt kíván szolgáltatni arról, hogy kapcsolati erőszak esetén miért nem kerül sor feljelentésre.
Read the full article HERE or download HERE
English Abstract
Aim: The study aims to highlight methodological issues in estimating exposure to domestic violence (DV). It also aims to provide information on the reasons for underreporting DV cases.
Methodology: The researchers rely on data available in the Unified Criminal Statistics of the investigating authority and the prosecutor’s office to describe the number of victims of domestic violence. They also present some findings of a representative survey.
Findings: Latency is high in cases of domestic violence. The difficulty in accurately estimating latency is that different data collection methods and different research questions reveal different levels of exposure. Police have a crucial role in the disclosure of DV. The main reason for under-reporting is the emotional state of the victims (including embarrassment and shame) who sometimes would like to keep the abuse a secret.
Value: According to the study, different data collections and methodologies may give different estimations about the number of victims of DV. Information on the reasons for non-reporting can increase the efficiency of professionals, aiming at the prevention and response to domestic violence. In light of the results, especially the high proportion of male victims, further research questions can be identified.
Keywords: domestic violence, police, latency, disclosure, IMPROVE
Embedded social workers within police organizations: Comparing domestic violence interventions in France and Finland (2024)
Authors: François Bonnet, Thierry Delpeuch, Jarmo Houtsonen, Marianne Mela
Journal: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Volume 18, 2024
Goal: This article examines police–social work partnerships in addressing domestic violence through the embedded social worker type of arrangement in France and Finland.
Intimate partner homicide: Risk constellations in separation conflicts and points of intervention for the police (2024)
Authors: Stefanie Horn, Catharina Vogt, Chiara Wüller, Thomas Görgen
Journal: Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Volume 18, 2024
Goal: The study evaluates the advantages of inter-institutional cooperation over individual police prevention measures in cases of fatal partner violence.
Read the full article HERE
The Study of Gender-Based Violence Through a Narrative Approach: Evidence From the IMPROVE European Project (2024)
Authors: Lorea Romero Gutierrez, Ainhoa Izaguirre Choperena, María López Belloso
Journal: Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 330.
Abstract: Background: Gender-based violence (GBV) remains largely under-reported and under-detected. The European project IMPROVE seeks to identify the needs of victims in terms of facilitating their access to support services and to assist frontline responder organisations in enhancing their competencies and capabilities to make the most of innovative solutions that enable and accelerate policy implementation. Methods: To meet these goals, IMPROVE uses narrative interviews, understood as unstructured tools that produce and analyse stories that are significant in people’s lives. These interviews provide the space for re-thinking; there is a reflection on implicit and taken-for-granted norms and insights are given into the life and thoughts of vulnerable groups, in this case, the women victim-survivors of GBV. Results: This methodological approach has led to high-quality interviews in which the women involved have felt comfortable, confident, and satisfied, as evidenced by the depth, complexity, and extension of the knowledge generated, and the commitment of the interviewees to the various activities proposed by the researchers. Conclusions: The narrative approach has allowed for a sensitive investigation into the private lives of GBV victim-survivors and, as a consequence, has contributed to the creation of new knowledge that can provide an in-depth and incisive view of the help offered by frontline responder organisations, from which improvements can be proposed.
Read the full article HERE
The Potential of Restorative Approaches in Domestic Violence Cases to Contribute to More Victim-Centred Responses – Based on the Experiences of Two Field-based Research Programs (2023)
Authors: Gabor Hera, Dora Szego
Journal: TEMIDA 2023, vol. 26, br. 3, str. 345-363
Goal: The article aims to discuss the opportunities for a restorative approach in domestic violence (DV) cases based on the results of two empirical research. After describing the victims’ perspective, we introduce the shortcomings of institutional frontline responses that hinder the effective prevention and fight against domestic violence. At the end of the paper, some local support initiatives for victims of DV are described. We examine the aspects of these initiatives that bring them close to the e restorative approach – although they do not explicitly label themselves as restorative.
Read the full article HERE
Poster presentations
Victims’ pathways to support in domestic violence contexts
Authors: Catharina Vogt, Stefan Hopf, Emanuel Tananau Blumenschein, Norbert Leonhardmair, Joachim Kersten, Natalie Köpsel, Sandra González Cabezas, Hilde Hellbernd, Jarmo Houtsonen, Ainhoa Izaguirre Choperena, María Lopez Belloso, Angelika May, Marianne Mela, Suvi Nipuli, Seija Parekh, Lorea Romero Gutierrez, Margarita Vassileva
Event: Stockholm Criminology Conference, 10–12 June 2024
Statistics on domestic violence by intimate (ex-) partners
Determinants of successfully reaching help systems and support
Pathways to helping victims
Download the full poster HERE
A Comparative Analysis of the Covid lockdowns and Domestic Violence in 8 European Countries (2022)
Speakers: Joachim Kersten, Þýski lögregluháskólinn
Event: Policing and Society Conference October 5/6, 2022, The Police Science Program at the University of Akureyri (Iceland)
Our project coordinator, Joachim Kersten, talked about the IMPROVE and IMPRODOVA project during this conference.
Download the full programme HERE
Books and book chapters
To be published: Nuevas formas de atención a situaciones de violencias de género: la irrupción de la inteligencia artificial en la atención a las mujeres víctimas (2024)
Authors: Lopez Belloso, María; Izaguirre Choperena, Ainhoa
Cuadernos Deusto de Derechos Humanos, ISSN: 2603-5766 / ISSN-L: 2603-5766La invisibilidad de la infancia en la respuesta de los Servicios de apoyo a las mujeres que sufren violencia de género: Evidencias del proyecto IMPROVE (2024)
Authors: : Izaguirre Choperena, Ainhoa; Romero Gutierrez, Lorea; Lopez Belloso, María
In: Educar para la felicidad
ISSN: 978-84-1170-942-2
Isildutako ahotsak: Genero Indarkeriaren biktima diren emakume errefuxiatuen borrokak - Silenced Voices: The Struggles of Refugee Women Who Suffer Gender-Based Violence (2024)
Authors: G Z, J., Izaguirre Choperena, AinhoaAbordando la Violencia Machista: Desafíos y perspectivas desde la experiencia de mujeres migrantes víctimas de violencia machista - Addressing Gender-Based Violence: Challenges and Perspectives from the Experience of Migrant Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence (2024)
Authors: F A, L., Segú Odriozola, Mabel., Izaguirre Choperena, Ainhoa